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Why Is NAD+ Important?
NAD therapy is a treatment for supplying NAD and is a mixture of complementary nutritional vitamins straight into the bloodstream.
Benefits & Uses of NAD+
Sharpen your mind, repair your DNA, reverse aging, boost your metabolism, and combat fatigue with the power of NAD IV treatments.
Brain Health
It helps keep our brain in the best possible shape, enhances your ability to remember as well as cognition, and greatly improves mental clarity by enhancing neurological functionality at the cellular level.
Metabolic Function
NAD+ IV Treatment Plans
1. General Wellness/Anti-Aging
500 mg IV x3 consecutive days
This NAD treatment plan replenishes and repairs DNA, protects brain cells from damage, reduces inflammation, & turns on enzymes that help prevent aging.
2. Neurodegenerative Disorders/ Anxiety/ Depression
NAD levels are depleted when facing anxiety and depression – this NAD treatment plan resets the brain & relieves anxiety symptoms, thus revitalizing body & mind.
This NAD treatment replenishes the supply of neurotransmitters, improves cognitive functioning, combat brain fog, and repair cells throughout the body.
Addiction/ Alcoholism
1000mg IV x10-14 consecutive days
Over time, people with addiction issues can have significantly reduced NAD+ levels. Replenishment of these NAD+ levels can be highly effective at reducing cravings, as well as increasing energy and mental clarity. If coupled with a legitimate detox treatment program, NAD+ can be even more helpful on your road to recovery
Intramuscular (IM) NAD+
100mg IM, 1-2 injections per week
While given at a lower dose, IM NAD+ can be used for general wellness. Although the bioavailability of the drug is less than IV, it can be a reasonable alternative treatment for those that are more cost-conscious. It can also be utilized as a booster between IV treatments
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IV Infusion Therapy
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Get Energized With NAD+
Patients who have participated in NAD+ Therapy reported increased energy, mental clarity, focus and concentration, improved mood, memory, eyesight and hearing as well as decreased pain and withdrawal symptoms.