Suicidal Ideation Treatment in Marietta, GA

Ketamine Therapy For Ketamine For Suicidal Ideation Treatment

Ketamine was first approved by the FDA as an anesthetic, but has been used as a depression treatment since 2006. Infused at a low dose from an IV into the bloodstream, ketamine has been shown to improve depression in 75-80% of patients and decrease suicidal thoughts.

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What Is Suicidal Ideation?

Suicidal ideation, in simple terms, means suicidal thoughts, or thinking about taking your own life. These suicidal thoughts are common for people suffering depression or undergoing significant stress, but it is important to note that most people that experience suicidal thoughts do not take their own life (although they may still attempt to). This is why understanding suicidal ideation and proper treatment is essential.

What causes suicidal thoughts?

Stressful or overwhelming events often are the chief cause of suicidal ideation. Financial struggles, loss of loved ones or relationships, or a debilitating illness may increase likelihood of suicidal thoughts.

If you or someone you may know if suffering from suicidal ideation and would like more information about ketamine infusions for suicidal thoughts, call The Invictus Clinic today at 770-580-1042 and schedule your free consultation or contact us online.

Lear More About Suicidal ideation

What Are the Risk Factors of Suicidal Ideation?

While these factors do not always cause suicidal ideation, they may contribute to those already suffering.

  • Family history of substance abuse, mental disorders, violence, or suicide
  • Feelings of isolation or hopelessness
  • Continually being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Having a psychiatric or mental disorder
  • Legal troubles
  • Family problems
  • Disciplinary struggles (especially in children)
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Sleep deprivation

Additionally, the following conditions are linked to a higher risk of suicidal thoughts:

  • Anorexia nervosa

  • Bipolar disorder/depression

  • Body dysmorphic disorder

  • Major depressive disorder

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Schizophrenia

  • Substance abuse

How Can I Help a Loved One Who is Suicidal?

Additionally, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has a set of five action steps for helping someone through suicidal ideation.

  • Ask them if they are thinking about killing themselves. Studies have shown that asking this question does not increase suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts.
  • Keep them safe. Keep lethal or life-ending items away from your at-risk loved one.
  • Be there for them. Listen to their thoughts and feelings. Studies show that talking about suicidal ideations may actually reduce these thoughts.
  • Help them connect. Either to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, or a trusted family member or mental health provider.
  • Stay connected. Even after the crisis, staying in touch with an at-risk loved one has been shown to reduce suicide deaths.

Can Changes in My Lifestyle Reduce Suicidal Thoughts?

Although professional help is the best option, there are some home remedies that can decrease the risk of suicidal thoughts.

  • Form a support network. This may include friends, family, or members of your place of worship.
  • Physical activity. Exercise such as walking, jogging, biking, or swimming have been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression.
  • Cut out alcohol or drugs. Abuse of alcohol or recreational drugs may also make you more likely to act on your thoughts.
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Ketamine For Suicidal Ideation Treatment

Have you had a life long struggle with depression? Have other treatment methods and medications failed you? Then ketamine treatment for suicidal ideation may be something to consider.
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