PTSD Treatment in Marietta, GA

Ketamine Treatment for PTSD PAtients

Research into ketamine infusions for treating PTSD is still ongoing, but it is generally believed that ketamine helps foster connections between synapses and helps to restore damaged connections between nerves, essentially rewiring the brain. Because of this, ketamine infusions are helpful for not only depression and PTSD, but also neuropathic pain disorders.

Quick Relief For PTSD

One of the major benefits of Ketamine Infusions for PTSD treatment is its ability to sometimes bring relief to PTSD symptoms within minutes or hours, rather than the weeks or months a typical medication may take.

What Causes PTSD?

PTSD is triggered by a terrifying or life-threatening event, although some people may experience a life-threatening event and not develop PTSD. You have intrusive and recurrent memories of the event, or avoid thinking about or visiting places that remind you of the event. You may feel hopelessness about the future and find difficulty maintaining relationships with loved ones. You also experience a lack of interest in hobbies or activities you used to enjoy.

When your PTSD is impacting all aspects of your life, leaving you unable to carry out basic everyday tasks, it is time to seek help. Ketamine Infusion treatment centers are an exciting new treatment option available to those suffering from PTSD. Ketamine, an FDA-approved anesthetic, has been proven to help with PTSD treatment in Marietta, GA, and around the country.

If you or someone you may know if suffering from PTSD and would like more information about ketamine infusions for post traumatic stress disorder, call The Invictus Clinic today at 770-580-1042 and schedule your free consultation or contact us online.

What You Should Know About PTSD

How Do I Know if I Need Treatment for My Ptsd?

If you find yourself unable to live the life you want to live, you should know there is no shame in seeking medical help. Somewhere around 7% of American adults have suffered through PTSD before, and up to 8 million American adults have it each year.

When seeking treatment from a doctor or healthcare professional, they will likely put you through a few diagnosis tests to confirm that PTSD is what is affecting you. These tests may include.

  • Physical Exam This will check to see if there are any underlying medical problems causing your PTSD symptoms
  • Psychological Evaluation Your healthcare professional will usually discuss your symptoms and any traumatic events you went through.
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) Published by the American Psychiatric Association, this includes a set of criteria generally seen in PTSD patients.

To be diagnosed with PTSD, you must have experienced or witnessed an event that threatened serious injury or death. You could have seen the event firsthand, you could have been the one in danger, or you could even develop PTSD from hearing about details from a traumatic event.

If you continue to experience significant problems in your ability to function in normal life for more than a month after the initial event, you may have PTSD and should consider treatment.

What Treatments Are Available for Ptsd?

After suffering from PTSD for a while, you may lose your ability to carry out everyday tasks or grow isolated from your loved ones. Finding a treatment that works for you can help  you regain control over your life and get relief from your symptoms. Treatment can help you learn to manage symptoms as well, by teaching you:

  • How to properly address your symptoms
  • How to cope if symptoms pop up again
  • How to think better about yourself
  • How to treat other problems brought on by a traumatic event (such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse)

The most common or effective treatments for PTSD include the following:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Medications
  • Ketamine Infusions

Psychotherapy Also known as talk therapy. May include cognitive-behavioral therapy (which helps you recognize the thinking patterns worsening your symptoms), exposure therapy (which helps you face situations or memories that worsen your symptoms), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

Medications Typically antidepressants such as paroxetine (Paxil) or sertraline (Zoloft).

Ketamine Infusions An exciting new treatment option that research shows can bring relief in up to 80% of patients.

How Can I Cope With Ptsd?

Here are some simple steps that can help you as your PTSD treatment continues:

Follow your healthcare professional’s treatment plan. Therapy and medication can take time, sometimes months, to start to be effective. These treatments are tried-and-true, and you should have patience and consistent communication with your healthcare professional.
Educate yourself about PTSD. This can help you better understand your symptoms and improve your coping strategies.

Avoid substance abuse. Some will turn to alcohol or drugs to combat their PTSD, but this will only create more problems and worsen symptoms with time.

Take time to take care of yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, getting in physical activity, and spending time relaxing.

Consider joining a support group. There are lots of other people with PTSD like you, and they may be of great comfort or help to you as you continue your treatment.

How Can I Help a Loved One With Ptsd?

Have patience with the person you love. Their PTSD may be deeply affecting them, and they may be acting like a completely different person. They may become irritable and grumpy, or grow isolated and withdrawn. It may be difficult to hear them relieve their trauma, or you may feel guilty that you can’t help them more in this difficult time.

While you may not be able to remove their symptoms or cure their PTSD, there are things you can do to help mitigate the symptoms.

  • Educate yourself: The more you learn about PTSD, the more you can understand what your loved one is experiencing.
  • Recognize the symptoms of PTSD: It is important to remember that withdrawal and avoidance are part of the disorder. Give them the space the need but remind them that you’re available when they are ready for help.
  • Offer to go with them to appointments: Not only will you bring them comfort from being there, but you will also learn more about PTSD and how to better help them.
  • Listen: Sometimes a person does just need to vent. That said, try not to force them to talk about the symptoms or trauma until they are ready to.
  • Don’t be afraid to seek help: If you are having difficulty, talk to your doctor or healthcare professional. They may refer you to a therapist who can help you manage your stress and learn to cope.
ketamine treatments near me

Can Ketamine Therapy help With your PTSD?

PTSD can be a hard battle to win. Thankfully, ketamine infusions have shown great results sin those who suffer from PTSD. Schedule your free consultation today. 25% off for veterans!
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