OCD Treatment in Marietta, GA

Ketamine Treatment for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD, is a debilitating disorder that can negatively affect a person’s life in many ways. Ketamine, an anesthetic drug used daily in operating rooms and emergency departments across the globe, is proving to be an effective, low-risk treatment for many mood disorders, including OCD.

Does Ketamine Help With OCD Symptoms?

Research into ketamine infusions for treating OCD is still ongoing, but it is generally believed that ketamine helps to foster connections between synapses and helps to restore damaged connections between nerves (essentially “rewiring” the brain), as well. Because of this, ketamine infusions are helpful for not only depression or other mental health disorders, but also chronic pain disorders like complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or fibromyalgia.

Is Ketamine The Best New Treatment For OCD?

Ketamine, first developed and approved by the FDA as an anesthetic, is a promising new innovation in the field of OCD treatment. While you may know it as the club drug often abused as Special K, ketamine is what some doctors are calling the biggest breakthrough in OCD and depression treatment in decades. When infused at a low dose into the bloodstream, research shows that ketamine may be up to 80% effective at providing relief for OCD symptoms.

One of the most amazing things about ketamine infusions for OCD treatment is its ability to sometimes bring relief to symptoms within minutes or hours, rather than the weeks or months your typical antidepressant may take.

If you or someone you may know if suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and would like more information about ketamine infusions for OCD, call The Invictus Clinic today at 770-580-1042 and schedule your free consultation or contact us online.

Learn More About OCD

What Are the Symptom Subtypes of Ocd?

  • Contamination Obsession with Washing and Cleaning Compulsion Characterized by intrusive thoughts about contamination and compulsions of excessive cleaning or washing.
  • Harm Obsessions with Checking Compulsions Characterized by obsessive thoughts about possible harm to yourself or others, and compulsions involving checking rituals to relieve your distress.
  • Symmetry Obsessions with Ordering/Arranging/Counting Compulsions Characterized by obsessive thoughts about symmetry and compulsions to make everything orderly until they are “just right”.
  • Obsessions without Visible Compulsions Characterized by intrusive thoughts about religious, sexual, or aggressive themes. Triggers related to these themes are typically avoided as much as possible.
  • Hoarding Characterized by obsessive fears of losing items or possessions that you may need one day.

Lifestyle Changes That Help Ocd

Medication can help treat OCD, but is more effective when paired with therapy or lifestyle changes. Here are some examples of healthy lifestyle changes you can make:

  • Identify what triggers your OCD: Figuring out what is triggering your OCD symptoms can help you anticipate your urges before they happen. If you know what triggers your urges, you can try to ease your compulsions.
  • Try to resist OCD compulsions: By persistently exposing yourself to the things that trigger your OCD, you can slowly learn to resist the compulsions and rituals. One common exercise is called the “fear ladder”, where you work up to your triggers one at a time (as if climbing a ladder, rung-by-rung).
  • Challenge your obsessions: When an intrusive or obsessive thought comes across, ask yourself questions. “Is there any evidence that this obsessive thought is true?” or, “Will this obsessive thought help protect me from what I am worried about?”
  • Exercise: Research has shown that regular exercise (between 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity a day) can be just as effective as medication. Exercise boosts important “feel good” chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin and endorphins, and also triggers the growth of new connections between brain cells. Even just half an hour of activity a day can start to improve your anxiety symptoms.
  • Nutrition: Even people without OCD should strive to eat well – it’s good for both physical and mental health. Aim to eat smaller, but well-balanced, meals through the day to keep your energy up throughout the day and avoid gastrointestinal problems.
  • Get more consistent sleep: If you are not getting enough sleep, you may find yourself irritable, grumpy, or fatigued. These mood changes can only worsen the symptoms of OCD.
  • Stress reduction: Stress may not directly cause OCD, but it can trigger symptoms or worsen the symptoms that are already there. Relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga may help you alleviate stress levels.
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Don’t Let OCD Keep You From Enjoying Life

Ketamine infusion therapy is an amazing new treatment option for individuals who suffer from OCD, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Ketamine infusions can be very effective for lifting anxiety and improving your mood, thereby eliminating compulsive behaviors and obsessive thoughts.
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